Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dubai, the Futuristic Sauna City

After two lengthy plane rides, a layover in London, and being ushered through the Dubai International Airport by a Marhaba welcome agent, I was on my way to the Centro Barsha hotel, where I will be staying for the next 41 days. In my half-asleep state, I still had a few thoughts coming through the city by car late at night:

  • It feels like a damn sauna here. When you walk out of the airport, the heat slaps you in the face. Yes, it's actually that hot.
  • Even just in the airport and the hotel, I've never seen a wider range of peoples and cultures, from ethnicities to dress to accents. 
  • All of this, everything around me, has only really been here for 30 or so years... This is a pop up city. It feels kind of futuristic, like from one of those movies set in 2040. So a futuristic sauna city, essentially.
Check back occasionally or follow the blog (in that bar on the right) to see what thoughts I may be sharing.



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